Thursday, October 18, 2012

Tulisan Tanpa Judul...

.."Aku bangga menjadi diri aku sendiri bagaimanapun keadaan aku sekarang. Mungkin secara fisik aku tidak sempurna tapi aku ingin orang melihatku dengan cara yang sempurna bukan karena keadaan fisikku tapi bagaimana sikapku terhadap orang-orang disekitarku.." 
(kutipan kalimat yang sempat aku dengar dari seorang      gadis kecil yang kuat..)

Ketika tidak seorangpun mampu menerima keadaan aku, aku berkata kepada diriku sendiri bahwa aku bisa membalikkan keadaanku. Aku ingin menjadi pribadi yang lebih bisa diterima orang-orang disekitarku.
Yah, kutipan diatas tadi benar-benar membuatku sadar bahwa memang dunia ini terkadang hanya memandang seorang dari segi fisik atau penampilan luarnya belaka tapi semua itu wajar walaupun sebenarnya semua orang diciptakan sempurna dan istimewa... Kebanggaan diri adalah ketika kita mampu mensyukuri apa yang telah kita miliki sekarang bukan ketika kita merasa sempurna hanya karna penampilan fisik kita belaka tanpa hati yang benar-benar bisa mensyukuri apa yang Tuhan kasih.

Friday, August 3, 2012

What a Life ......

"I do not live for what people say but i live for who I am"

I do love that sentence.. It has a lot of meaning for me. Well, sometimes i feel that i am not a lucky girl for being who I am. I always think that i got a lot of weakness but i never think the other sides of myself. Life does not only talk about our appearance. Well, i do admire my manager. He is a very religious man. He said to us in his preaching that Life is a chain of problem. There are two type of human. They are the mature and immature ones. The mature ones and the immature ones can be differentiated in the way how they face their problem of life. The mature ones will always be optimistic to face the problem and got the solutions but the immature ones will always be pessimistic to face the problems in their life and they will just give up ..

Monday, June 18, 2012


Tell me how to describe this word, please..!!!. Well, i never think to have this such wonderful friendship when i moved here in a new place where i did not know anyone before. I left my best friends in Yogyakarta, the place i live in as i have to move to other city to work. It is so hard to leave the family and best friends but i have to. My friends in Yogya had told me what friendship meaning is and now, i find what i call FRIENDSHIP again here.

When you want to find best friends in a new place, it sounds so hard to do. I never expect that i can find what i call best friends here. Some office mates seem unfriendly to me at the first time i work. Yeah, after being in my office for more than 3 months, i finally found truly friends. They are like my old friends in Yogya. They are easy going, open minded, sincere, love to laugh, do jokes and i found them like the part of my family. Finally, i could proudly say that i can write my FRIENDSHIP chapter again,...  Friendship is the most beautiful word i used to know. It means a lot of things. I do not feel lonely here though i live apart from my family. I find them as the part of my family here. We share many things in common :)